A number of talks at NANOG 61 this week included some updates on IPv6 deployments. The links below will take you to presentations and also video of the speakers.
Akamai produces a security report annually and in their report this year they noted have seen a 10x increase in IPv6 traffic compared with the year before.
2013 Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report
T-mobile described their IPv6 deployment for handsets particularly noting how all of their Android 4.3+ handsets are now IPv6 only using 464XLAT as the transition technology back to the IPv4 Internet. 8 million of their 49 million subscribers are now largely using IPv6 only. Furthermore, they report that 27% of their traffic is IPv6 and that 50% of the traffic from these 8 million handsets is completely IPv6 without any translation to the IPv4 world.
464XLAT: Breaking Free of IPv4
I also found these talks quite interesting, but aren’t related directly to addressing issues.